Saturday, January 15, 2011

Alligator Mike and the Sign Thief

I'm writing as my husband and I watch WWE Smackdown.  What kind of a name is Dolph, anyway?  Who names their kid that?

~The Sign Thief

This morning as I was waiting for the light to change so I could pull into my store's parking lot, a hunched and withered old man with a rolling walker was crossing the street in front of my car.  I noticed that he had one of my store's "It's all Free for One Month" flyers in his walker basket.  Then I realized that the flyer was in one of the clear plastic stands that are usually on our front counter, which was odd.  I wondered if maybe, since the sign was positioned in such a way as to be visible to all the people driving down the street, if one of my co-workers had given it to him in an effort to get some free advertising or something.  When I got in the store, Alex and Jessie both leaped up from their seats and exclaimed, "Oh my gosh! You just missed the funniest thing ever!"
"Did it have something to do with an old guy with a walker and one of our signs?" I asked.
Apparently, this befuddled gentleman shuffled into our store a few minutes after we opened.  He scuffed his way past the TVs and up to the front counter.  Jessie greeted him, and he asked "What time is it?" In a querulous voice.  He was told it was ten to nine.  He paused for a moment to check his watch, and then he began muttering about how his watch is fast and he's always early for everything, like the bus.  He made an agonizingly slow loop around the store, muttering to himself all the while about the time.  They thought he was about to leave, but instead, he began a second slow, shuffling loop.  Then he stopped in front of one of our TVs, looked down, and picked up the "Free for a month" sign in its plastic stand.
"Oh!"  he said,  "Free for a month!  Oh!  I could really use one of these!  This is just what I'm looking for!"
Then he put the sign in his walker basket, made an about-turn, double-time shuffled over to the front door, had a minor moment of panic when his walker wheels got stuck in the doorjamb, and ambled off down the sidewalk with the stolen sign.
Alex and Jessie decided they would let him keep the sign, since he worked so hard to get it.  We are all wondering if he will return it at the end of the month, when it's no longer "free".

~Aligator Mike

A couple of hours later, I had the pleasure of having a conversation with a very odd man.  Some customers walked in while I was in the bathroom, and when I came out, there were two ladies at our front counter talking to someone, and a man standing by himself watching a movie on one of our TVs.  I wasn't sure if he was with the two ladies or not, so I went over to see if he needed anything.  He turned around at my greeting, and I knew right away he was going to be 'one of those'.  He was wearing a "Breathe Right" nasal strip that was only stuck to his nose in the exact middle.  The sides were sticking straight out and had to be in the way of his vision.  His ball cap proclaimed:  "Cold Breath or High Gas Prices?  Screw it, I'll walk!"  I am now going to recreate the conversation I had with this frighteningly strange man to the best of my recollection.  I hope it makes more sense to you than it did to me.

Me:  "Hey, did you need a hand over here?"

Guy:  "No, I'm just with them."  (waves vaguely in the direction of the two ladies at the front counter)  "Hey, what movie is this?"

Me:  "This is Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief."

Guy:  "Oh, Percy Jackson and who?"

Me:  "The Lightning Thief."

Guy:  "Oh... Is this a fiction, or a non-fiction?"

Me:  (Looks at screen, sees a satyr battling a minotaur.)  "It's definitely fiction."

Guy:  "(sadly) Oh, okay. (excitedly)  Oh wait, did you say it's fiction?"

Me:  "Yes."

Guy:  "Oh!  Hey, do you know what the best way is to kill a minotaur?"

Me:  "Actually, no."

Guy:  "Here's a question for you then.  If it's fiction, why don't they just summon Godzilla to kill the minotaur?"

Me:  (nervous laugh)  "You know, you think that would be the solution to EVERY movie."

Guy:  "Yeah!  I mean, if I can summon an alligator, they can summon Godzilla."

Me:  (takes a few cautious steps back)  "Uh, yeah."

Guy:  "I love Godzilla.  I think he's fascinating.  I always say he's the king.  Other people, when I ask them 'do you know who the king is?' they say 'Elvis' or 'Jesus' but I always say 'Godzilla.' "

Me:  "... okay..."

Guy:  (picks at his Breathe-Right strip that is now somehow sticking to his glasses)  "Yeah, people always get mad when I say Godzilla is the king, but he will always be the king to me."  (re-sticks the Breathe-Right strip to his nose)

Me:  "Oh."

Guy:  "Do you want to see me summon an alligator?  I love alligators.  I find them fascinating." (the ends of the Breathe-Right strip unstick themselves from the sides of his nose again)

Me:  "Sure, why not."

Guy:  (reaches into front pocket of ratty black t-shirt and produces a small plush alligator)  "This is my alligator.  His name is Mike."

Me:  "Oh.  Hi Mike."

Guy:  "Mike goes everywhere with me.  He's really helpful when I'm at the hospital with my mom.  But he thinks he's people though."

Me:  " Oh yeah."

Guy:  "Every time I have a cappuccino at Starbucks, Mike just dives right in."

Me:  (nervous laugh)  "really."

Guy:  "He gets foam all over his nose.  But I always wipe it off again."

Me:  (says nothing and searches desperately for some means of escape, notices Alex and Jessie are both laughing and refusing to bail me out)

Guy:  (starts digging around in his coat pockets)  I'm going to show you a picture of Mike's cousin.  Whenever anybody gives Mike a hard time, I show them Mike's cousin.

Me:  "uh, well actually..."

Guy:  (pulls out cell phone and shows me a picture of a REAL alligator.)  "That's Mike's cousin.  After people see this, they don't bug Mike anymore."

Me:  "So Mike's cousin is the one who takes care of business."  (trying very hard not to laugh at the absurdity of the conversation up to this point)

Guy:  (pushes more buttons on his cell phone)  "That's right.  Here's a picture of me and Mike watching Hell's Kitchen.  (Shows me a picture of six identical plush alligators tucked under a blanket, snouts out.)  I love Gordon Ramsay.  I find him to be fascinating."

Me:  "Yeah, he's a good chef."  (looks around again for escape)

Guy:  "Do you have any idea how much money Gordon Ramsay lost in the recession?  He trades stocks.  He lost a lot of money.  I hear Gordon Ramsay is really a nice guy when you meet him in person.  He's only mean around the food."  (beeping buttons on the phone) "Here's a picture of my niece on her Harley showing me the finger."  (shows picture of voluptuous, outraged blonde on a bike who is probably NOT his niece and doesn't appreciate having her picture taken by this weirdo)

Me:  "Oh... um... okay..."

Guy:  "Do you have a weak stomach?"  (stares at me expectantly)

Me:  "uhh.... well...."

Guy:  "(sadly)Oh, okay.  Well here's a really rare picture."  (beep beep beep)  "This is my dad in his war uniform from [some random war] back in [whatever the hell year it was]"

Me:  "Oh... cool..."

Guy:  "And that's not actually even the picture!  That's a picture of a picture!"

Me:  "Oh, I see."

Guy:  "That is REALLY RARE."  (Beep boop bip)  "Hey you know that comic book store down on Third Street?"

Me:  "Well actually I should probably get back to work..."  (glancing around frantically for help)

Guy:  (thrusts phone in my face again, showing me a picture of a Godzilla statue)  "It's Godzilla!  The guy let me take a picture of him!  See what's on his tail?  See that?  Do you know what that is?"

Me:  "Uh... a Starbucks coffee sleeve?"

Guy:  "It's a Starbucks Coffee Sleeve!  I put that on his tail before I took the picture!  I love Godzilla.  He's the king."

Me:  "...right..."

Guy:  "That picture that I asked you if you had a weak stomach before I showed you?  Do you know about the Nile Crocodiles?"

Me:  ""

Guy:  "They are the most vicious crocodile out of all the crocodiles.  When guys go in there, they have to go in big groups of like six, for protection and safety you know, but this guy was trying to prove something, and he went in all by himself, and the crocodile attacked him and tore his arm right off.  There was blood everywhere.  That's why I asked you if you had a weak stomach."

Me:  "right."

Guy:  "I love crocodiles.  I find them fascinating."

Me:  "that's great."

Guy:  (beep beep beep)  "Here's a picture of some flowers I bought for my mom when she was in the hospital.  But of course, Mike had to get in the picture."  (shows picture of some blurry colours in the background that might be flowers, Mike, and a thumb.)

Me:  "that's nice."

Guy:  "Yeah.  Mike thinks he's people.  He always has to be right in the middle of everything."  (fatherly chuckle)

Me:  "I see."

Guy's Wife:  "Let's go, honey."

Guy:  (walks out without saying anything more)

So that was my morning!  I guess when you work in a store downtown, all the crazies come to visit you and play show-and-tell, or steal your stuff.  I still am not entirely sure if the Godzilla-Worshiper was for real, or if maybe he's just an odd guy who likes to see how far he can get before someone either punches him in the nose or runs away screaming in terror.  Thankfully after alligator man and his family left, we were blessed with a relatively calm and uneventful afternoon.  It gave me a lot of time to consider whether or not I too should accept Godzilla as my personal savior.

Peace, yo.

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