Monday, January 24, 2011

Good Samaritans are in Danger

My rent-to-own furniture store is located within a mall in the downtown area of my city.  I have a special staff parking pass that allows me to leave my vehicle in the staff parking area all day without risk of a ticket.  In order to get to work, I park around in the back lot and walk through the parking garage to take the elevator up to the main floor. 

This morning, as I walked through the parking garage, I heard a low, mournful sound.


I stopped and listened.  There was silence.  Then it came again:


"Hello? "  I said.  It was quiet for a few moments, the only sound being that of the ventilation system kicking in.  I was about to continue on my way when I heard it again.


It sounded kind of like an old man crying, or moaning in pain.  It was coming from a dark corner behind a parked jeep.  I crept toward the sound, nerves on edge.


"Hello?  Is someone there?  Are you hurt?" 

There was no response. 

As I got closer to where the sound had come from, I noticed a half-open door in the corner that probably led to some kind of storage area.  I was beginning to get very nervous, convinced that there was some poor elderly man, possibly a vagrant, who had gone into the storage area to sleep and inadvertently knocked a huge pile of irresponsibly stored pointy metal onto himself.  Now the poor man could be pinned hopelessly beneath the wreckage, likely bleeding profusely, and probably close to death.  I was his only hope. 

Boldly, I strode towards the storage door, certain that I would rescue this poor man and save his life.  My picture would be in the paper.  The mayor would give me the key to the city, and I would humbly accept.  I would be asked to go on tour, giving inspirational speeches to high school students on the merits of giving of yourself, of bravery, of being a Good Samaritan.  I was about to be a hero.

I grasped the door handle and pulled.

The biggest, fattest, mangiest pigeon I have ever seen swooped out of the darkness and attacked my face, moaning all the while in his creepy old-man voice.  I screamed and ran, dreams of fame and glory shattered in one feathered instant.

I am now convinced that there is a legion of giant, radioactive evil pigeons seeking to take over humanity, one Good Samaritan at a time.  They will lure us, one by one, into situations of apparent heroism which we cannot resist, only to hawk poisonous radioactive mercury loogies into our eyes.  No one is safe.  I will never offer to help another person again.

Well, except for babies.  I would still offer my heroic services to a baby in need.  If I was walking down the street and a baby came up to me and was like "Hey lady, my stroller has a flat tire.  Could you help a baby out?"  I'd be all like "Sure, child.  I can change that tire for you, no problem."  Because it's a baby, and therefore would be unlikely to possess the physical strength to viciously attack me with its rattle while I was working on the stroller.  Heck, I'd even buy the baby a bottle of milk if it was hungry.  I would, however, draw the line at changing a strange baby's poopy diaper.  I mean, babies are cute and all, but you just don't know where they've BEEN!


  1. Love this post. Had me hanging on every word and wishing it never ended!

  2. Oh my goodness... I laughed, I cried, I love it! :)
