Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Inaugural Blog Post

Well I'm not getting any younger.

I have been meaning to start blogging again. I used to enjoy it very much.  Then I stopped, because real life got in the way.  Now I guess I'm ready for a bit of whimsy and wordsmithing.  (Is wordsmithing even a word? Wordforging? Wordplay?)

So, since I'm now at the ripe old age of 26, married, have settled into a full-time job at a rent-to-own company, and I'm not getting any younger, I'm going to once again join the wild world of blogging.

Nobody reads blogs anyway, right?

Ideally, my goal in having a blog is to encourage myself to write.  Practicing is key, and I practice my writing precious little.   I will doubtless end up with a mess of random, manic, incomprehensible drivel, but it's the thought that counts.  So I have signed up for Blogger.  So far I have spent three hours working on this first blog. Two and-a-half hours trying to decide on a template and theme, of course.  Procrastination is key! I believe I said that already.  Now I've got some funky purple swirls, which will no doubt prove to be irresistibly attractive to faeries, psychics, and epileptic penguins.  If at least a few people enjoy my insanity and frustration and rants, I will be a happy woman!

My apologies in advance, to all past, present and future followers of the New and Improved Everlasting Question.  It's only going to get worse from here.

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